A big one of course is gussying up this website! But I have some other plans/projects I'm going to list here.
- Create a character history timeline for my current Pathfinder character, for my own reference and the rest of my party!
- Finish his character reference sheet!
- Commission some friends (and new people) for both him and my old pathfinder characters!
- ...Brush up on HTML and start to learn more I can do with JS! Other coding relevant for neocities!
- Write some game reviews of the indie games I've played!
- Continue to practice landscape painting from photographs (digital only, so far), and collect them together, maybe try to create a digital picture book!
- Refresh my (very basic) knowledge of Spanish and get into the habit of speaking/writing/reading it
- Practice geography till I can get through most of a worldwide country finding quiz. further steps will follow this one
- Write little reflections on shows I see! (See more shows. I'm going to see a local one for my birthday, and I plan to see Cabaret in NYC next spring, but I need to get out more!)
- Look at more birds, bugs, and plants! And fungi! I'm trying to use iNaturalist too.